daisyUI is now on Discord!
Published last year by Pouya Saadeghi

daisyUI is now on Discord!

Finally we have a Discord server for daisyUI!

For a long timeGitHub discussionswas the only place to ask questions and connect with other daisyUI developers. sharing ideas and getting help. I still see GitHub discussions as a great place for long-term discussions and feature requests because it's easy to search and find old discussions, it's integrated with the codebase and more importantly it's open to public and indexed by search engines.

And from the beginning people were asking for a Discord server. I was trying to avoid it because I didn't want to spread the community across multiple platforms. But the truth is GitHub discussions is not a good place for real-time casual conversations.

Starting today, I'm openinga Discord server for daisyUI. Join us to get help, share your projects and discuss daisyUI.

GitHub issues are still the only place to report bugs. Please don't report bugs in Discord. And GitHub discussions are still the best place for long-term, organized discussions and feature requests.

Join daisyUI Discord server →

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