
Collapse is used for showing and hiding content.

Class name
collapseComponent Container element
collapse-titleComponent Title element
collapse-contentComponent Container for content
Adds arrow icon
Adds plus/minus icon
Force open
Force close
Also see accordion examples
# Collapse with focus
This collapse works with focus. When div loses focus, it gets closed
Focus me to see content

tabindex="0" attribute is necessary to make the div focusable

# Collapse with checkbox
This collapse works with checkbox instead of focus. It needs to get clicked again to get closed.
Click me to show/hide content


# Collapse using <details> and <summary> tag
`collapse-open` and `collapse-close` doesn't work with this method. You can add/remove `open` attribute to the <details> instead
Click to open/close


Using <details> tag, we can't have animations because <details> tag doesn't allow CSS transitions.
# With border and background color
Focus me to see content

tabindex="0" attribute is necessary to make the div focusable

# With arrow icon
Focus me to see content

tabindex="0" attribute is necessary to make the div focusable

# With arrow plus/minus icon
Focus me to see content

tabindex="0" attribute is necessary to make the div focusable

# Force open
I have collapse-open class

tabindex="0" attribute is necessary to make the div focusable

# Force close
I have collapse-close class

tabindex="0" attribute is necessary to make the div focusable

# Custom colors for collapse that works with focus
Use Tailwind CSS `group` and `group-focus` utilities to apply style when parent div is focused
Focus me to see content

tabindex="0" attribute is necessary to make the div focusable

# Custom colors for collapse that works with checkbox
Use Tailwind CSS `peer` and `peer-checked` utilities to apply style when sibling checkbox is checked
Click me to show/hide content


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