daisyUI 5 alpha is in development
Published today by Pouya Saadeghi

daisyUI 5 alpha is in development

daisyUI 5 alpha is in development and I'm looking for your suggestions, feedbacks and ideas to make it better.

daisyUI 5 alpha is in development [v5 branch]

  • There’s no docs or changelog yet
  • Some components are not ready
  • There are many bugs and any alpha version may break things
  • If you use it in production a baby dolphin will die

Try it

  1. You can try this Tailwind Play link which includes a big dump of components
  2. Or you can try the new full.css or the new chunks.css!
  3. Or if you’re brave enough to try Tailwind CSS 4 alpha + daisyUI 5 alpha, Install Tailwind CSS 4 alpha and then install daisyUI alpha
npm i -D daisyui@alpha

Your CSS file:

@import "tailwindcss";
@plugin "daisyui";

You can use options

@plugin "daisyui" {
  logs: true;
  root: ":root";
  include: button, badge, input, card;
  exclude: badge;
  themes: light --default, dark --prefersdark, cupcake;

You can add custom themes

@plugin "daisyui/theme" {
  name: "my-theme";
  default: false;
  prefersdark: false;
  color-scheme: light;

  --color-base-100: oklch(98% 0.02 240);
  --color-base-200: oklch(95% 0.03 240);
  --color-base-300: oklch(92% 0.04 240);
  --color-base-content: oklch(20% 0.05 240);

  --color-primary: oklch(55% 0.3 240);
  --color-primary-content: oklch(98% 0.01 240);

  --color-secondary: oklch(70% 0.25 200);
  --color-secondary-content: oklch(98% 0.01 200);

  --color-accent: oklch(65% 0.25 160);
  --color-accent-content: oklch(98% 0.01 160);

  --color-neutral: oklch(50% 0.05 240);
  --color-neutral-content: oklch(98% 0.01 240);

  --color-info: oklch(70% 0.2 220);
  --color-info-content: oklch(98% 0.01 220);

  --color-success: oklch(65% 0.25 140);
  --color-success-content: oklch(98% 0.01 140);

  --color-warning: oklch(80% 0.25 80);
  --color-warning-content: oklch(20% 0.05 80);

  --color-error: oklch(65% 0.3 30);
  --color-error-content: oklch(98% 0.01 30);

  --radius-badge: .5rem;
  --radius-btn: .5rem;
  --radius-box: .5rem;
  --spacing-button-border: 1px;
  --spacing-tab-border: 1px;

Feedbacks needed

Here’s how you can help:

  • Feedback: What do you like/dislike about v5 so far?
  • Suggestions: Any features or improvements you’d like to see in the stable version of daisyUI 5?
  • Bug Reports: Found a new bug in v5 alpha? Let me know.

Put your feedbacks in the comments here in the GitHub Discussion

Thank you for your help! 🙏

Tags: News

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