daisyUI 5 upgrade guide

This guide helps you how to update your project to Tailwind CSS 4 and daisyUI 5.

Before upgrading your project, read about:
1 - Tailwind CSS 4 breaking changes
2 - daisyUI 5 release notes
3 - daisyUI 5 breaking changes

1. Update Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS provides a CLI tool for automatic upgrade. It automatically applies the new Tailwind CSS changes to your project.

  1. First, remove daisyUI and plugins from your tailwind.config.js file, so Tailwind CSS upgrade tool can safely replace it with the CSS file.
module.exports = {
   content: ['./your-files/**/*.{html,js}'],
   // other stuff...
-  daisyui: {
-    themes: ['light', 'dark', 'cupcake'],
-  },
- plugins: [require("daisyui")],
  1. Run the official Tailwind CSS upgrade tool:
npx @tailwindcss/upgrade

2. Update daisyUI

  1. Install daisyUI 5
npm i -D daisyui@latest
  1. Add daisyUI to your CSS file
@import "tailwindcss";
@plugin "daisyui";

Now everything should work as expected. If you’re facing any challenges, you can ask for help on daisyUI Discord server so you can get help from the community.

Changes from v4

These are all the HTML changes from daisyUI 4 to 5. There are ~15 changes in total but you won’t need to do all of them, only the ones you’re using.


  • Removed all artboard and phone-* classes. These classes were simply setting the width and height of the div. Use Tailwind CSS w-* and h-* classes instead.
artboard phone-1w-[320px] h-[568px]
artboard phone-2w-[375px] h-[667px]
artboard phone-3w-[414px] h-[736px]
artboard phone-4w-[375px] h-[812px]
artboard phone-5w-[414px] h-[896px]
artboard phone-6w-[320px] h-[1024px]
artboard artboard-horizontal phone-1w-[568px] h-[320px]
artboard artboard-horizontal phone-2w-[667px] h-[375px]
artboard artboard-horizontal phone-3w-[736px] h-[414px]
artboard artboard-horizontal phone-4w-[812px] h-[375px]
artboard artboard-horizontal phone-5w-[896px] h-[414px]
artboard artboard-horizontal phone-6w-[1024px] h-[320px]


- <div class="artboard phone-1">
+ <div class="w-[320px] h-[568px]">


  • Renamed online class to avatar-online, offline to avatar-offline, and placeholder to avatar-placeholder.
- <div class="avatar online">
+ <div class="avatar avatar-online">
  <div class="w-24 rounded-full">
    <img src="https://img.daisyui.com/images/stock/photo-1534528741775-53994a69daeb.webp" />
- <div class="avatar offline">
+ <div class="avatar avatar-offline">
  <div class="w-24 rounded-full">
    <img src="https://img.daisyui.com/images/stock/photo-1534528741775-53994a69daeb.webp" />

Bottom Navigation

  • Removed bottom-nav component. Use dock component instead.
  • Removed btm-nav-xs, btm-nav-sm, btm-nav-md, btm-nav-lg. Use dock-xs, dock-sm, dock-md, dock-lg instead.
  • Removed btm-nav-active. Use dock-active instead.
  • Removed disabled class of bottom-nav. Use aria-disabled="true" attribute or disabled attribute if it’s a button. This is for better accessibility.
- <div class="btm-nav btm-nav-sm">
+ <div class="dock dock-sm">
-   <button class="active">🍿</button>
+   <button class="dock-active">🍿</button>


  • card-bordered is renamed to card-border.
- <div class="card card-bordered">
+ <div class="card card-border">
  • Removed card-compact. Use card-sm instead.
- <div class="card card-compact">
+ <div class="card card-sm">


  • File input now has border by default. Use file-input-ghost if you want to remove the border.
  • Removed file-input-bordered. File input has a border by default now. Use file-input-ghost if you want to remove the border.
- <input type="file" class="file-input file-input-bordered">
+ <input type="file" class="file-input">
  • Footer is now vertical by default. Use footer-horizontal to make it horizontal at the screen size you want.
- <footer class="footer">
+ <footer class="footer md:footer-horizontal">


  • Input now has a default width of 20rem, no need for adding w-full max-w-xs.
  • Removed input-border.Input has a border by default now. Use input-ghost if you want to remove the border.
  • Removed input-bordered class (not needed anymore).
<!-- Input with border -->
<input class="input input-bordered"/>

<!-- Input without border -->
<input class="input"/>

<!-- Input with 20rem width -->
<input class="input w-full max-w-xs"/>
<!-- Input with border -->
<input class="input"/>

<!-- Input without border -->
<input class="input input-ghost"/>

<!-- Input with consistent width -->
<input class="input"/>


  • Label has been refactored to be more compatible with form elements. See label docs for more information.


  • Removed mask-parallelogram, mask-parallelogram-2, mask-parallelogram-3, and mask-parallelogram-4. These mask styles are no longer included in the library. If you need them, manually use the CSS
  • vertical menu is not w-full anymore. Use w-full if you want it to be full width.
  • Renamed disabled class of menu item to menu-disabled.
  • Renamed active class of menu item to menu-active.
  • Renamed focus class of menu item to menu-focus.
- <ul class="menu">
+ <ul class="menu w-full">

-   <li class="disabled"><a>disabled item</a></li>
+   <li class="menu-disabled"><a>disabled item</a></li>

-   <li class="active"><a>active item</a></li>
+   <li class="menu-active"><a>active item</a></li>

-   <li class="focus"><a>focus item</a></li>
+   <li class="menu-focus"><a>focus item</a></li>


  • Rename camera class in mockup-phone to mockup-phone-camera.
  • Rename display class in mockup-phone to mockup-phone-display.
  • mockup-phone-display
<div class="mockup-phone">
-  <div class="camera"></div>
+  <div class="mockup-phone-camera"></div>

-    <div class="display">
+    <div class="mockup-phone-display">

-    <div class="artboard artboard-demo phone-1">Hi.</div>
+    <div class="w-[320px] h-[568px]">Hi.</div>


  • Select now has a default width of 20rem, no need for adding w-full max-w-xs. max-w-none class.

  • Removed select-border. Select has a border by default now. Use select-ghost if you want to remove the border.

<!-- Select with border -->
<select class="select select-bordered">

<!-- Select without border -->
<select class="select">

<!-- Select with consistent width -->
<select class="select w-full max-w-xs">
<!-- Select with border -->
<select class="select">

<!-- Select without border -->
<select class="select select-ghost">

<!-- Select with consistent width -->
<select class="select">


  • Instead of setting the width and height of the stack items, use width and height for the stack itself.
- <div class="stack">
-   <div class="card bg-base-100 w-36 h-36">Text</div>
-   <div class="card bg-base-100 w-36 h-36">Text</div>
-   <div class="card bg-base-100 w-36 h-36">Text</div>
+ <div class="stack w-36 h-32">
+   <div class="card bg-base-100">Text</div>
+   <div class="card bg-base-100">Text</div>
+   <div class="card bg-base-100">Text</div>


  • stats background color is now transparent. Use bg-base-100 if you need a background color.


  • Renamed tabs-lifted to tabs-lift.
- <div class="tabs tabs-lifted">
+ <div class="tabs tabs-lift">


  • Removed hover class. Use hover:bg-base-300 (or any other color) instead.
- <tr class="hover">
+ <tr class="hover:bg-base-300">


  • Removed textarea-border. Textarea has a border by default now. Use textarea-ghost if you want to remove the border.

Other removals

  • Remove form-control, label-text, label-text-alt

You can still use the same HTML still, but class names don’t exist anymore and won’t apply color, font-size, flex, etc.
I suggest using the newly added class names for fieldset and legend elements for better accessibility.

<label class="form-control w-full max-w-xs">
  <div class="label">
    <span class="label-text">Name</span>
  <input class="input" placeholder="Name" />
<fieldset class="fieldset">
  <label class="label" for="name">Name</label>
  <input id="name" class="input" placeholder="Name" />
<label class="form-control w-full max-w-xs">
  <div class="label">
    <span class="label-text">What is your name?</span>
    <span class="label-text-alt">Top Right label</span>
  <input type="text" placeholder="Type here" class="input input-bordered w-full max-w-xs" />
  <div class="label">
    <span class="label-text-alt">Bottom Left label</span>
    <span class="label-text-alt">Bottom Right label</span>
<fieldset class="fieldset max-w-xs">
  <label class="label flex justify-between" for="name">
    <span>What is your name?</span>
    <span>Top Right label</span>
  <input id="name" class="input" placeholder="Name" />
  <label class="label flex justify-between" for="name">
    <span>Bottom Left label</span>
    <span>Bottom Right label</span>
  • Remove btn-group and input-group

btn-group, input-group were deprecated a year ago and now finally removed.
If you’ve been using btn-group or input-group, you can use join instead

<div class="btn-group">
  <button class="btn">Button 1</button>
  <button class="btn">Button 2</button>
<div class="join">
  <button class="btn join-item">Button 1</button>
  <button class="btn join-item">Button 2</button>
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