Next JS 13 Tutorial: Build an Airbnb Clone (React, Tailwind, Daisy UI, Zustand)

This tutorial covers the new features of Next JS 13, including the App Router, routing and layouts, nested layouts, and changes to SSR and data fetching. The video also teaches(assisting resources provided, check links down below⬇️⬇️⬇️) how to create animations and responsive styling, and builds an Airbnb Clone with search functionality, responsive cards, and a mobile menu. The code is available on Github with separate branches for each chapter. As an outcome of the tutorial we build an Airbnb clone front-end project, go over the file structure, install the required packaged and set up a store for state management. We also implement mobile responsiveness, fetching data, and adding animations, among other tasks. ✉️Sign up for my newsletter: 👾Join my Discord: ✍️Full-Stack Roadmap: 🌐GitHub URL: 🔥Firebase: CRUD - Authentication - ⚛️More on React: Build a Portfolio Website - MERN Stack Project: Food Ordering App - ☕Support the channel: 📁Project Assets(free): listingsData.json - 🧑‍🚀AI Chatbot for your website: Timestamps for the project and their branch names. (Tip: when you finish the chapter, check out the branch of that chapter to make sure you haven't missed anything) 00:00:00 - Project setup, header & routing - 1.1-header-routing 00:58:49 - Info Cards - 1.2-info-cards 1:21:41 - Zustand Store - 1.3-store-set-up 1:34:55 - Creating Modal - 1.4-header-modal 1:40:23- Search Results Page & Functionality - 1.5-search-results-page 2:11:14 - Mobile Menu - 1.6-mobile-menu Disclaimer: This video is for only for the purpose to practice building web apps and I'm not affiliated with airbnb.