Learn to style a NextJS, Headless WordPress blog with Tailwind CSS and Daisy UI. In this second video in the series, we use DaisyUI and Tailwind to transform everything from the header to the footer. 0:00 Intro 0:25 Tailwind CSS Cheat Sheet 1:20 Intro & Header 4:00 Alert component 5:15 Hero Post 13:37 Other posts 20:28 Footer 21:35 Outro FOLLOW ✅ ► https://twitter.com/TheHashton ► https://twitter.com/curious_byte 💬 Join us on our discord here: ► https://discord.gg/wqZrVkeMzX Visit our website: ► https://www.curiousbyte.dev LINKS 🔗 ► https://github.com/thehashton/cb-next-wp-blog ► https://nerdcave.com/tailwind-cheat-sheet ► https://daisyui.com/components/ SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ❤️ ► https://www.buymeacoffee.com/curiousbyte #frontend #webdev #developer #javascript #typescript #webdevelopment #nextjs #wordpress #blog #tailwindcss #daisyui #vercel