How to install Tailwind CSS and daisyUI in a Rails project
Install Ruby on Rails according to the official Rails guide.
Create a new Rails project
rails new my-app
cd my-app
Install Tailwind CSS 4 gem for Rails
./bin/bundle add tailwindcss-rails
./bin/rails tailwindcss:install
There are 3 ways to add daisyUI to your Rails project
This method is recommended if are already using Node.js.
This works as a Tailwind CSS plugin so only the class names you need will be added to your CSS file.
Initialize a package.json (if you don’t have one) and install daisyUI
npm init -y
npm install daisyui@latest
Put Tailwind CSS and daisyUI in your CSS file (and remove old styles)
@import "tailwindcss" source(none);
@source "../../../public/*.html";
@source "../../../app/helpers/**/*.rb";
@source "../../../app/javascript/**/*.js";
@source "../../../app/views/**/*";
@plugin "daisyui";
This method is recommended if you are not using Node.js.
This works as a Tailwind CSS plugin so only the class names you need will be added to your CSS file.
Run this code to download latest version of daisyUI as a single js file
curl -sLo app/assets/tailwind/daisyui.js
Put Tailwind CSS and daisyUI in your CSS file (and remove old styles)
@import "tailwindcss" source(none);
@source "../../../public/*.html";
@source "../../../app/helpers/**/*.rb";
@source "../../../app/javascript/**/*.js";
@source "../../../app/views/**/*";
@plugin "./daisyui.js";
This method is recommended if you want to quickly add daisyUI without adding any file.
Put Tailwind CSS and daisyUI in your CSS file (and remove old styles)
@import "tailwindcss" source(none);
@source "../../../public/*.html";
@source "../../../app/helpers/**/*.rb";
@source "../../../app/javascript/**/*.js";
@source "../../../app/views/**/*";
@import "";
Now you can use daisyUI class names! Let’s create a simple page and try a button
class PagesController < ApplicationController
def home
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root to: 'pages#home'
<button class="btn btn-primary">Hello daisyUI!</button>