Use daisyUI in a Bun dev server

How to use Tailwind CSS and daisyUI in a Bun dev server

Using Bun 1.2.4+ you can serve HTML and CSS files directly in a dev server. Here’s how to setup daisyUI for it.

1. Create a new Bun project

Create a new Bun project in the current directory

bun init -y

2. Install bun-plugin-tailwind and daisyUI

bun install bun-plugin-tailwind daisyui@latest

Create a bunfig.toml file at root and add bun-plugin-tailwind as a plugin

plugins = ["bun-plugin-tailwind"]

3. Add HTML and CSS files

Create index.html at root

<!doctype html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <button class="btn">daisyUI Button</button>

Create style.css at root, add Tailwind CSS and daisyUI

@import "tailwindcss";
@plugin "daisyui";

Serve the HTML file

bun index.html

Now you can use daisyUI class names!

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