Frequently Asked Questions – Common problems and how to fix

Class names are not working

CSS files is too big

Using Tailwind CSS and daisyUI, it is expected for CSS files to be very small. Ideally only the class names you used must be in the CSS file. Sometimes (specially in monorepos) it is possible thatTailwind CSS automatic class name detectionfinds some unwanted strings in your project and generate styles for them. To avoid this, you candisable automatic detectionand register your source files using@sourcedirective.

checkbox/toggle/radio styles are broken

Probably you're using@tailwindcss/forms(or another style or plugin) that is affecting form elements.
daisyUI applies styles to class names but@tailwindcss/formsby default, applies styles to all form elements.
If you really need@tailwindcss/formsalongside with daisyUI (which I doubt, because both are doing the same job) consider using itsstrategy: 'class' configso it only applies style to the elements with specific class name (not all form elements)

Themes are not working

Tailwind's prefix is not workingdark:Tailwind's prefix is not working

With daisyUI, you don't need to manually set colors usingdark: variant
As long as you usedaisyUI colorsthey will work on all themes, light or dark.
If you really want to use Tailwind'sdark:variant,here's how to do it.

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