
How to use daisyUI colors?


daisyUI is fully themeable and colorable, So instead of using constant color utility classes like:
  • bg-green-500
  • bg-orange-600
  • bg-blue-700
  • etc.
It's suggested to use semantic color utility classes like:
  • bg-primary
  • bg-secondary
  • bg-accent
  • etc.
Each color name contains CSS variables and each daisyUI theme applies color values to the utility classes when it is applied.


Semantic color names make more sense because when we design interfaces, we don't just use any random color. We define a specific color palette with names like primary, secondary, etc. and we only use those specific colors in our interfaces. Also, using semantic color names makes theming easier. You wouldn't have to define dark-mode colors for every single element and you wouldn't be limited to only light/dark themes. you can have multiple themes available and each theme is just a few lines of CSS variables.

Example of theming a div with hardcoded color values

Using hardcoded color names

This is a hardcoded dark text on a light background, it needs double the amount of class names to support dark mode.
<div class="bg-zinc-100">
  <div class="bg-zinc-50 border-zinc-200 text-zinc-800">
    This is a hardcoded dark text on a light background,
    it needs double the amount of class names to support dark mode.
  • 🪦 Fixed color names, hardcoded based on the value
  • 🚫 No automatic dark mode
  • 😵‍💫 You have to add dark-mode colors for every element
  • 💸 high maintenance cost
  • 🐢 slow development
  • 😩 hard to change a theme
  • ⛓️‍💥 high chance of inconsistency
  • 😰 You are limited to 2 themes only: light and dark

Using semantic color names

This is dark text on a light background, which switches to light text on a dark background in dark mode.
<div class="bg-base-200">
  <div class="bg-base-100 border-base-300 text-base-content">
    This is dark text on a light background,
    which switches to light text on a dark background in dark mode.
  • 🎯 Semantic names, based on the purpose of the color
  • ✨ Automatic dark mode
  • 🌓 No need to add any dark-mode class names
  • 🤑 Zero maintenance cost to add a theme
  • 🚀 Fast development
  • ⚡️ Easy to change themes
  • 📘 All colors are consistent based on the design system
  • ♾️ Unlimited themes, easy to switch

List of all daisyUI color names

You can use these color names in your theme or in utility classes.
Color nameCSS variableWhere to use
primary--color-primaryPrimary brand color, The main color of your brand
primary-content--color-primary-contentForeground content color to use on primary color

secondary--color-secondarySecondary brand color, The optional, secondary color of your brand
secondary-content--color-secondary-contentForeground content color to use on secondary color

accent--color-accentAccent brand color, The optional, accent color of your brand
accent-content--color-accent-contentForeground content color to use on accent color

neutral--color-neutralNeutral dark color, For not-saturated parts of UI
neutral-content--color-neutral-contentForeground content color to use on neutral color

base-100--color-base-100Base surface color of page, used for blank backgrounds
base-200--color-base-200Base color, darker shade, to create elevations
base-300--color-base-300Base color, even more darker shade, to create elevations
base-content--color-base-contentForeground content color to use on base color

info--color-infoInfo color, For informative/helpful messages
info-content--color-info-contentForeground content color to use on info color
success--color-successSuccess color, For success/safe messages
success-content--color-success-contentForeground content color to use on success color
warning--color-warningWarning color, For warning/caution messages
warning-content--color-warning-contentForeground content color to use on warning color
error--color-errorError color, For error/danger/destructive messages
error-content--color-error-contentForeground content color to use on error color

How to use

Some daisyUI components come with modifier class names and that modifier class name will apply a color. For example:
<button class="btn btn-primary">Button</button>
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox checkbox-secondary" />

These components automatically set the correct background color, text color, border color, etc as needed so you don’t need to set those colors manually. For example btn-primary sets primary color for background and border, and sets primary-content color for the text automatically as default. You can customize them using utility classes if you want to change the color.

You can also use color names in utility classes just like Tailwind's original color names. These are utility classes that can be used with a color name:
CSS Class
bg-{COLOR_NAME}Also available on CDN /colors/properties.css
text-{COLOR_NAME}Also available on CDN /colors/properties.css
border-{COLOR_NAME}Also available on CDN /colors/properties.css
from-{COLOR_NAME}Also available on CDN /colors/properties-extended.css
via-{COLOR_NAME}Also available on CDN /colors/properties-extended.css
to-{COLOR_NAME}Also available on CDN /colors/properties-extended.css
ring-{COLOR_NAME}Also available on CDN /colors/properties-extended.css
fill-{COLOR_NAME}Also available on CDN /colors/properties-extended.css
stroke-{COLOR_NAME}Also available on CDN /colors/properties-extended.css
shadow-{COLOR_NAME}Also available on CDN /colors/properties-extended.css
outline-{COLOR_NAME}Also available on CDN /colors/properties-extended.css

So you can use bg-primary, border-secondary, etc. Read more about daisyUI color utility classes.

Color opacity and muted colors

base-content is the the text color of the page by default. It’s a dark color on light themes and it’s a light color on dark themes.

nord theme
dracula theme

Sometimes we need a muted text. something with less contrast. The best way to do this is using Tailwind CSS color opacity modifier by adding a /50 (or any other value) to the end of color name. Like text-base-content/50

nord theme
dracula theme

The advantage of using opacity is that it gives a constant result on all themes, for all colors.
You can use it with any opacity value, you can use it for any color. For example primary-content:

nord theme
dracula theme
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