How to install DaisyUI in a WordPress theme. The first thing we need to do is install TailwindCSS in our WordPress theme. We do this by following the instructions on the TailwindCSS website. Once this is installed we can enqueue our new tailwind css file in our functions.php file within our theme. Once we have done this we need to head to the DaisyUI website to see what command we need to run. We copy and paste this command into our terminal to install DaisyUI. This should be in the root folder of our WordPress theme. Once this has been install we need to add it as a plugin in our tailwind config file (tailwind.config.js). Now we need to make sure our watch command is running so that tailwind will rebuild when we make any changes and everything should running smoothly, with DaisyUI installed! It's as easy as that. TailwindCSS: DaisyUI: Codingoblin: